Friday, April 25, 2008

Posted by Gladys Diaz on April 24, 2008

Glad said...
I gave away three sets of ribbons today (12 in total). I gave the first one to my mom for being so amazing with me, my husband, and the boys, for loving and forgiving me, and for being an amazing Christian. She was moved to tears and immediately thought of the friend she was going to give her ribbon and pass on the other 2 ribbons to. I explained to her that if she and/or her friends did not have access to email or the internet, they could call me and/or write down their stories and I would type them up and post them on the Blog.The second set of ribbon I gave to one of my former students. She went as my guest tonight to the Special Evening About the Landmark Forum, and I got to acknowledge the difference she made in my life 13 years ago when she was my student. She emailed me today and told me how great it made her feel that I remembered who she was when she was in the 4th grade, and that it brought back so many memories for her. Then she told me how much she and her other classmates had wanted to be in my class because they had heard so much about me when they were in the 3rd grade, and how what she remembers is how I spoke to them like "real people and not just naive children." She went on to say that, since that feeling of trust was instilled long ago, she still trusts me. She also said, "I've never been given a reason to second guess you. All I've ever known about you has been trust, caring, love, and respect." Wow! I gave her a ribbon for making a difference in my life, and I got to hear how I made a difference in hers. :)She took 3 ribbons to pass on, and so did her boyfriend. :)
April 24, 2008 12:01 PM

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